Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Hospital workers and activists

One very dear Blip friend in the UK says she might be able to come to Portland in 2018, and if she does, she wants me to take her to a demonstration. I have assured her that if she can come visit (and I do hope she can), we will have no trouble finding a protest, a demonstration, a picket, or some other public action for her to attend, as they happen just about every day.

Case in point: I had no plans for today and got word via Facebook that a group of physicians and hospital workers were staging a “Zoombie” protest against a local for-profit urgent care group called Zoom+ because it denies care to those whose only health insurance comes from the government. That means the poor, the elderly, and veterans. Several of my activist friends joined them. It was a good-natured, brief demonstration. No police, no violence. Signs like “People Over Profit” and “Health Care for All.” A little chanting. A little street theatre with a “Dr. Zoom” character and a few “zoombies.” 

The real hospital news of the day for our family is that Juan has been moved out of ICU into a regular room in the hospital. He’s receiving speech therapy and physical therapy, and I went to see him and was happy to see how strong he looks, how clearly he speaks, how determined he is to recover. He still has a horrible headache, but he smiled with both eyes and he said softly and clearly with great conviction, “I’m going to dance with you at Bella’s Quinceañera.” 

May we both still be here, and may we have that dance, in ten years. Thank you for your thoughts, your good wishes, and your prayers. 

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