Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Look back in happiness

In wild rolling fields that back my sister's home.

On a technical note, I rarely crop an image unless I'm resizing for a specific product like a canvas, however, this was exceptionally quickly shot and I've no idea why the focus was on center as that's unusual for me, but hey it was. So then you'd naturally want to crop either the left or right of this depending on whether you wish to appear that Callum is looking back at you and your scene by cropping the right out, thus making the left side of the image the "scene" of the environmental portrait, or indeed, you wished the viewer to look forward into the image by cropping the left of the image out. I played with both the left and right sides as being of interest to the image and the mood changed by doing so with each. I would always want my subject to have breathing space ahead of them in an image, but here the direction wasn't clear cut. And thus, against good practice, I settled to leave the composition as shot.

PS 8 months into using this lens almost solidly, I just can't stop dreaming about it...

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