
By Alberta

Reflections on Riberac

Coffee down at our local bar .. then into Riberac the nearest big town to us.. Always feels a bit special to go out there... so different to being in the UK .. we are more conservative with our trips here ... anyway Mr A is on the hunt for grout to redo the tiles round our pool that are now providing a great home for flourishing weeds... so Brico Marche is the place, although it wasn't today... they didn't have what we need.. so this warrants a trip to Perigueux (to the superstore) sometime soon.. an even more special day out! And today was also the farmers market in Riberac and I remembered the other day when we were cycling I had seen these very interesting reflections in the car rear windows so grabbed the chance while Mr A was shopping in the market (of course) to take a pic or two.. I am sure that some of the passers by thought I was rekkying the car contents... but hey the hazards of photography!! And this pic did encourage me to note what a lovely skyline there is in Riberac which I have not noticed to the same extent when shopping there before...

Reflections are becoming a bit of a theme.. just wondering if that tells me something about how I like to live my life?!!

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