and through the wire...

By hesscat

Clueing for Looks...

Despite Giuseppe Mazzini once living here (don't ask me where I got that fact, no really, don't ask), we were here for different reasons. This is where Sherlock Holmes lives, off the telly, you know, the Benny C one. As he goes in and out of this door, he adjusts the door knocker to ensure it is squint. 

Me... well I have watched all the episodes and I don't recall that fact, but Ms H was overjoyed to see that it was already squint when we got there. 

Ms H had earlier spent the afternoon on a Tour for Muggles er.. tour around the city - she loved that (you are muggle if you don't know who Harry Potter is). After visiting Sherlock's abode we walked to the real 221b Baker Street that is now a museum. For some reason, 221b is next to 241... weird, what sort of street number system is that. She plans to go back there tomorrow when it is open.

So, unexpectedly, today was Ms H's favourite day.

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