@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Sunrise over Bay of Lopness

Having gotten up to feed six hungry cats, (Lilli is clearly too busy for breakfast!) and empty a rather congested litter-tray, (I knew I should have kicked them all out before going to bed!) I decided to head up over the dunes to sea the see. (Just to confirm, yes, that did involve throwing salt water into my eyes). :-) 

Looks like another gorgeous day at nearly 60 degrees North. I may have a fleece and a Thinsulate beanie on, but sandals (sans socks) were the order of the morning. No need for porridge either. The door's wide open and I'm eating Krispies with cold milk. 

All I've got to do the day is a spot of life-guarding at the Sanday pool and then it's the weekend. Sod all to do and two days to do it in.Life's pretty full. :-) 

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