
By amfinley

Traveling On

What is going on in the photo?
This is a picture of the inside of the back of my car. I took this picture on Saturday October 15th. This photo is to represent a car going somewhere. 
How is it related to a SPECIFIC human geography concept from the current unit or the previous unit?
This photo is related to migration and also Circulation. This picture of a car which is representing transportation is related to circulation because cars take us to work in the beginning of the day, to vacations or business trips, but in the end, we always have a mean of transportation to get back home. It is also related to migration because we use transportation to take us to new places and help us to move articles of house wear to our new permanent location. 
Link the image to one of the five themes of geography (location, place, human environmental interaction, movement, and region) with an explanation of how it relates.
This photo is related to movement. It is related because we use means of transportation such as cars to help us go one place to another whether it is a long distance or a short distance. (The word count is 205).


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