Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei


This is a jackpike.

So called as it is small in the pike world.

Round about 6 pounds I reckon. But then I could be wrong.

Managed to get some fishing in today. I've fished for as long as I can remember. But since life has got so busy fishing usually means taking kids from school on trips on a Thursday evening. Not much fishing in it for me, more detangling and rebaiting hooks. But, they do really enjoy it and teaches them a new skill, hopefully to develop a bit of respect for wildlife and the outdoors that they may come back to in later life. Mostly it's about having a bit of time away, doing something different.


Today I got a chance to visit one of my old haunts. A splendid time it was too. Lovely and sunny and the pike were biting.

I love these fish. Some say ugly, some say useless, some say they are a pest.

I think they're beautiful, successful and to be taken care of. They have been around and unchanged for millions of years.
All pike caught today were returned unharmed. As said I am in awe of these creatures.

Thanks for looking.

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