
By Tinasstuff

Not sure about this Mum

I love this photo. Ryver really wanted to touch the snake. He didn't want to hold it at all, but this zoo keeper wasn't letting anyone hold it anyway. The way that Ryver has got his had firmly on the keepers arm makes me smile. Just after I took this the snake turned and looked straight at Ryver and open his mouth really wide.
"oh look Mum the snake is yawning"
"urm, yeah thats right babe!" Thankfully the keeper got hold of the snakes head rapidly.

I don't really like zoos to be honest. Today was the first day that I have been to London zoo in years. It has changed so much. There are not many animals, that sounds a bit weird really, but what animals they have they are trying to give them as much space as possible. Which is a good thing. Plus there is lots more information on protecting wild animals. I can remember going to London zoo as a kid and the polar bears were in concrete blocks that were painted light blue. Saying all that we did have a good day.

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