A Wee Respite from the Busy Day.....

...At the awesome kids park ...a bonus feature of our soon to be new town.

We enrolled Flynn into his new school today...we had put it off for so long as we didn't really have any idea of where we were going to end up. The school is lovely and we are so happy that he has got into it as he got the lucky last place for next year...phew!

We picked up a boot load of packing boxes from a friend..........and even though we haven't got any firm dates of anything yet...and even though there are already boxes piled up in my office and bedroom...serious packing is going to have to happen now.......its going to be a humongous job methinks........not complaining...in fact I am just feeling so blessed at this point. To carry on from my brothers analogy from yesterday we are now shopping for our duty free. I think I might need a bottle of that Strong Scottish Scotch that nearly blew my head off and have a huge swig.

I seem to remember this being on one of Sleepyheads tea mugs.

“Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”

- Ernest Hemingway

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