On the catwalk

We woke to a very misty morning and sadly our last in Derbyshire, but the sun did manage to poke through later and just as we were setting off home, so we had a lovely journey and  I'm glad to say that 'Matilda' left the  caravan field in an elegant fashion behind our car, instead of having to be pulled off by tractor.

Whilst we were eating breakfast I saw  one of the Farm cats mousing outside our caravan and when she left she eyed up the catwalk cattle grid, here, and in extra you see her walking delicately around the outside, probably not wishing to get her feet wet on the very wet grass?

We've had a great few days away in Derbyshire and my poorly knee from falling in the tunnel on Saturday is now completely healed but plenty of bruises still on show. 

I've decided to tackle the mountain of washing ......  tomorrow!!

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