People on a Bridge

By zerohour

When in doubt...

...go for the favorite childhood series.

I woke up last night at 3 am, shivering and with throat so sore I could barely swallow (not without wincing). I piled on some clothes, and made my way to the kitchen to get a pain killer. Then, I proceeded to wait till the bloody pharma kicks in, so I can go back to sleep...

I wish I could have just stayed home, alas I needed to teach a class, and advise a dozen or so students regarding their next semester class choices. This could not be postponed, as they start registering next week, and I am going out of town for a conference.

I came home as early as I could, and crashed. Got up to take a bath and more pain killers, and I am in bed again. Reading children's books, in mother tongue. Take THAT, effin virus!

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