Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Roach End Barn

Having visited Mom yesterday, it gave me a free morning so I headed up to the Peak District.  While the weather forecast wasn't offering the likelihood of a stunning sunrise, it suggested misty conditions, and it didn't disappoint.

I started in Dovedale, walking along the river in almost pitch darkness and mist.  Only saw half a dozen people in all my time there.

After that I checked out Chrome Hill, but it was so foggy any photographs would have only been of use to check for dust spots on the sensor.

I ended up at Roaches End, which was still in fog, but there was enough visibility to allow for some photographs.  This is the famous Roaches End Barn.  I'd never walked up to it and shot from above before.  What I hadn't realised was that there were at least two other derelict buildings beyond the barn and under the ridge.  Worth the exploration.  I've put some extra images on Flickr for both the Dovedale and Roaches End .

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