Occasional Musings

By cookingisgood

Rory and his birds

The company I work for is family owned and has the "occasional" odd quirk... one of which is that once you've worked for them for 5 years you get a free Christmas turkey each year courtesy of the MD. Prior to the 5 year mark, you don't even qualify for a drumstick! There is an internal saying that goes "once you've got a turkey, you're there for life..."

Despite the grim financial circumstances (facing a possible 20% pay reduction for the beginning of 09, with redundancies to follow if the sales figures don't pick up sufficiently) the turkeys still arrived - my guess is they were paid for out of October's budget - and my colleague Rory got the job of doling them out and checking people's names off the turkey list. This shot was taken towards the end of his task, with only a dozen or so left to be collected...just wish I'd thought to go and get the camera earlier in the process!

Worth noting that the turkeys ARE lovely on Christmas day and a 12lb fresh bird is rather nice to receive. It's now sitting safely in my 'fridge before being transported 50 miles to my Mum's oven on Christmas Eve :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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