Should I be Worried?

There are so many ways to interpret this gift presented to me last weekend as an early birthday present by daughter #2, the more so if psychology behind the giving is brought to bear.

It is in effect a candle in a rather nice glass jar, but why a skeleton's head with a brain with what looks like the Y chromosome firmly established on the two frontal lobes?
Was this simply a ghoulish but relevant pre Hallowe'en gift to be lit tomorrow night, was it a symbol of a future look for me in the natural order of things, or was it an underlying unconscious and more sinister wish of the giver to do away with me?

It has perplexed me for a week now. In the end I have decided that my daughter saw it as an alternative gift with a kind of whacky appeal, and I can live with that.

I will light the candle tomorrow evening and start its cremation. I look forward to seeing the features melt and slide away leaving a mess of red brain at the foot of the jar.

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