
By scribbler


(A good title for the Day of the Dead.)

BCW is my NaNoWriMo novel.
That is, it was my NaNoWriMo novel in 2005, and now I'm hoping to finish the 50,000-word draft I wrote back then. By the way, this is completely against the rules. You're supposed to start fresh. But I have never been a slave to the rubrics, so I just use this month as a time when writing energy is high throughout the world. That's how I got my first novel done. If you haven't written a novel before, NaNoWriMo is great way to give it a try.

Notice that my novel is buried under a journal and a calligraphy project. I want to do all these things every day, and paint too. 
But at my back I always hear / Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near

Got an email from Trinity Cathedral today saying that I am being prayed for this week. I asked for prayers for my new novel and received this wonderful response:
"I will pray that the Holy Spirit inspires you with brilliant insight that takes your novel exactly to the place you want it to go with exactly the correct development you need it to have --no mean feat for a novel!"

Just what I need. No excuses now. ;)

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