The Pope

My mum is nuts. I love her anyway and because of it, but still. Barking mad sometimes. Yesterday evening and this morning, this man in a funny hat kept popping up on our TV screen, to the point when it became boring. Who is it, I asked, and why are we watching?

It turned out his name was the Pope. Or Francis. And that he was in Sweden to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. And to try to make better friends with the Lutherans. They all promised each other to try harder in days to come. And mum waved through the TV screen to her friends, which was stupid because I am sure they couldn't see her.

Mum dusted in the afternoon, and I helped. We have this great duster on a stick that I grab and run off with. Lots of dusting gets done that way. Unfortunately, mum seemed to think it was the final straw. A bath was inevitable, she claimed.

And here I was, thinking I smelled fine.

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