Scattered Polaroids

By sp

It rained aaaall morning. Ridiculously torrential, it woke me up. We watched the rest of the film from last night and played some cards.

Early afternoon, and the rain stopped. We drove to Totnes, spent about half an hour driving round looking for parking, then had our packed lunch in a lovely little garden in the sun. I think I've been there before but I don't remember the town at all, so was suitably wooed by its loveliness. It's slightly Winch-esque, and arty and SO HILLY but lovely.
I got some butterscotch fudge from the best smelling shop I think I've ever been in, and we went in all the charity shops.

We staggered back up to the car, feeling weirdly tired. When we got back to Rora, we were so tired that we didn't want to get out. It sounded windy, so we just sat in the car for about half an hour. We finally got inside, and Pose read my magazine while I unintentionally napped. Then Pose napped while I had a shower.

At about 6 we drove to Teignmouth for some fish and chips. There were 2 nice chip shops but they were really expensive so we found a cheaper one. What a mistake. I have never been so disappointed by a potato product: they were grey, and uncooked and tasted bizarre.

I did, however, get to witness a seagull attempt to eat a chip out of Pose's mouth. Hilarious. Although probably less so for her.

Having moaned for ages and then thrown our chips away, we went to the pier and had a 50p challenge in the arcade. I can't even remember the last time I did the whole arcade thing, but I ended up winning 2 sweets and making a 30p profit. Score.

It was really stormy... I couldn't pick what to blip. If it wasn't this one, it would have been one of these ones.

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