If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Room with a view.

Katkatkat had to head quickly back to Edinburgh to say goodbye to a friend off for 2 years work in Canada.  So we took her for a visit to one of her favourite "farm shops" and a coffee before putting her on the train and waving goodbye ourselves.

Clickychick suggested we call into Rheged to visit the Cumbrian Artist of the year exhibition.  I can't claim to understand art but I can appreciate the amount of work that had gone into some of the pieces.  If I had to sum the exhibition up I would have to say "it was like the Curates egg"  (good in parts).

Nothing caught my eye at Rheged that I felt it was fair to photograph and the general views weren't very impressive.  So I have settled instead for a shot I took through one of the windows.  The open countryside is more in my line than most art.  For me art has to be a realistic illustration of something I recognise.  Perhaps that is why my photos aren't very unusual or arty.

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