The End Of My Working Day

I really could have stayed in bed this morning, however to be honest I could stay in bed every morning.  I had a busy morning at my desk and then a learning and development event this afternoon.  The second part of the session was on mental health in the workplace and the need for good mental health.  It was very interesting and I plan to follow up on a few things when I am back in the office next week.

When I picked BB up from after school club this evening the first thing he said was, ” how fast can you sew?”!!  I had forgotten to sew his sixer’s stripes onto his cubs uniform.  Even though it is always a challenge to get back out to cubs on time, somehow I managed to squeeze in a spot of sewing tonight. 

As my step count has been poor the last couple of days, I went for a walk in the dark after I dropped BB at cubs.

Here is a blip taken hastily before I descended Waverley steps this evening.

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