Capital adventures

By marchmont

The Mars

The Mars was a training ship based in the Tay for wayward boys. Recently I discovered my great uncle was there for the 1911 census. This is the extract from the record book. Turns out he was sent there from Edinburgh aged 11 and three quarters for theft and with a bad character. He stayed till he was 16. Interesting to see the Mars staff did follow up visits so we know he worked at the Middlemass biscuit factory and a hotel in Princes Street. The last entry is in 1916 when he'd been conscripted into the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

I knew my Uncle Charlie. He never married and he always had a twinkle in his eye. He was in his 80's when he died. He always called me Miss Landels.

A different way of dealing with children in difficulty over a hundred years ago.

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