Just had a quiet morning at home.  Becky phoned around 12 noon.  She was on her way home from work as she wasn't feeling well.  Full of cold.  So we had a chat as she walked. 

Later on this afternoon I got the bus to where Neil works so I could meet him when he finished.  Early finish today at 3.40pm.  Then we popped into Aldi for some food and walked to Neil's flat. Neil and his girlfriend Rachael moved in 2 weeks ago so I wanted to have a look.  Its very nice - modern with plenty of space.  Neil cooked salmon for us which we had with salad and we just chilled out for a while.

Around 6pm we headed for Neil's local The Tudor Rose- the pub in my blip shot ( I had taken the photo earlier ).  Rachael was walking home from work and she met us in there.

The Tudor Rose is the oldest pub in the Gateshead area and  was at one time called The Anchor. It is near the old Dunston Staiths an area once used by the shipping industry and Royal Navy ships. Many sailors came ashore here. They made for the pub where prostitution was rife. In addition many drunken brawls took place. During one of these battles a merchant seaman was knifed to death - and took up residence here as a ghost. Licensees and employees have grown so used to having him around the pub they have given him the nickname of ‘Old George’.  He was not in evidence this evening.

After a drink and chat with Neil and Rachael I got the bus to The Metrocentre and then the bus home.  Got home just in time for kick off - England v Scotland. 

Steps today - 7,941

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