Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Phoebe Anna Traquair: Cherubim

I'm on holiday in Edinburgh at the moment - a friend has come to stay for a few days and we are being tourists together. Today we went to the Mansfield Traquair Centre to see the murals by the Arts and Crafts artist Phoebe Anna Traquair which I have never seen before - and they were stunning! They were painted on the walls of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the 1890s but the building fell into disuse in 1958. The murals were in a very poor state when restoration was started in 2003. Here is a link to the Mansfield Traquair Trust for more information about Phoebe Anna Traquair, the murals and the restoration.

These Cherubim are on the chancel arch and show the Evangelist and the Apostle, two of the four Cherubim in the Catholic Apostolic Church, the two others being the Prophet and the Pastor on the other side of the arch.

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