Sharing is such Sweet Sorrow

The question preoccupying my mind since I opened my birthday chocolates sent to me by daughter#5 is whether or not to share them with His Lordship.
My conscience tells me that would be a lovely gesture but the selfish voice inside my head says, no, they were given to you, so you are free to eat them all yourself.

Chocolates gifted to HL hardly ever see the light of day outside his study, but then he eats them so quickly that the possibility of sharing is limited and his conscience is clear after a short time.  I like to prolong the chocolate buzz, savouring perhaps only one a day thereby having to wrestle with my conscience  much longer.
Perhaps I could give him just one, or perhaps I could keep pretending I haven't opened them until he forgets I have them at all.

I'll let you know what sort of wife I am in due course. I have reread the marriage vows and there is nothing about sharing chocolates.
By the way, the missing chocolate in the blip is only photographic licence- it hasn't really been eaten.........yet.

His Lordship's alter ego, McGonigall, has furnished me with a poem-

Impatient I was when it was time

To open that box all sublime

And find the chocolates

Line on line,

But best of all, each one mine !!

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