A beautiful day

A surprisingly warm,bright and sunny day. Not much of a sunrise today but warm enough to sit outside with a cup of tea.
All of a sudden the horses started galloping to the corner of the field, something had caught their attention and it was long before three riders on horse back came into the field. They were brave as all the horses had come over to say hello and were being abit pushy.
At lunch time we drove over to Cromarty across the Eathie Road. Waxwings had been sighted in the area but we did nt see any, in fact there were hardly any birds around. We did see a kestrel by the golf club on the way home.
These two horses and riders luckily turned onto a drive way as we slowly went by. We're always weary about passing horses after one kicked out a while ago.
It's now clouded over and blowy. The Super moon has hidden behind the clouds :(

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