
By mollyblobs

Not a supermoon

At dusk Chris and I went to Ferry Meadows, to find a spot where we could watch the supermoon rise. It had been cloudy all day, but the cloud started breaking up at about 4pm, so our hopes were raised. 

We dallied on the bridge and watched the sun set over the river, where we spotted what we thought was an otter, though it was only a very brief view so it's hard to be sure. We then walked into the main part of the park and ended up standing on a slight hill with some other moon watchers, keeping an eye on the eastern horizon, but also taking photographs of the western sky, enjoying the vivid hues of the dying day and photographing Venus (see extra). 

We waited for a fair old time, but the area of clear sky gradually decreased, and we eventually accepted we weren't going to see the moon through the rather dense and continuous bank of cloud that had developed to the east. A rather hazy moon is now visible, high in the sky, but to be honest it doesn't really look that different from a normal full moon!

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