
Tai Chi in the morning - a good turnout after the snow last week and potentially two new members.  

Then time to begin to sort through some old prints.  These are from the last version of the Waiting for Marco Polo screen prints that I tried, where unfortunately I had some `bleeds' in the printing.   So I went into slicing-up mode and chopped out two squares to make cards - these are the remnants.  I love the colours and the abstract black marks and wonder if these couldn't be a starting point for another print project. I also experimented with some ideas to use the lichen covered gravestones as the basis for a print.  I love the colours in the original photos but I'm not too sure about how I'd be able to translate it into print unless I create more  pattern in the lichen forms.

An interclub competition with Holmfirth in the evening which unfortunately we lost, mainly because we `failed' in the special subject - Song Titles, which had been our choice.  Two of my images scored top marks and another almost top marks, but I think I also had one that gained the lowest marks of the evening - I guess that's life!

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