Windsurfing on Pupuke

Our country is the product of massive forces of nature over millenia. Earth movement due to earthquakes has created heights and valleys, river courses, new land claimed from the sea, and at times land lost to the seas around us. Volcanoes have created lakes like Pupuke, as well as mounds and mountains. Glaciers have carved their way through the mountains, and their retreat has created glacial lake valleys. 

These three board sailors (and the other couple who were out of shot) were enjoying the opportunity to sail back and forth across Pupuke in strong winds. Meanwhile, central Wellington buildings are being returned to by workers, the buildings having been cleared for use by the structural engineers. Council's offices in Wellington suffered one broken window, and one cracked computer screen. The staff are dealing with the impact of their current place of work being damaged, having moved there after the last big quake to hit Wellington resulted in significant damage to their then place of work.

Windsurfing on a lake in a volcano crater seems innocuous compared with going to work in a city built over multiple fault lines.

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