
By Hillyblips

I knew as I balanced on a wobbly stool very precariously that there must be easier ways of somehow getting the shot. This brimstone butterfly had flown into our pear tree to bask in the sun and as I teetered I knew the chance of getting anything in focus was minimal to say the least but I had to try!!

From the first this morning this was what I wanted to get today but to no avail. However I was happy with some speckled woods, a small copper and a tortoiseshell. Just about to come in from watering the tomatoes I glimpsed it flitting round the buddleia which was where I did eventually, with no broken bones, get a shot - having prowled round the garden in hot pursuit for ages chasing it.

Brimstone, is the old name for sulphur and the males are a very bright yellow hence the name butterfly. This is a female and she will live about 10 months finally hibernating in the ivy leaves whose shape the wings resemble. If any butterfly looks like a flower fairy it is this: so beautiful and delicate!

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