Sparrow spat

Another sunny day ....... the rain has gone away ....... well until tonight that is!

It was lovely to see blue sky again today ........ the sunshine was a real bonus ....... even the wind has dropped to a breeze ...... though it is still blooming freezing!

There was a great deal of activity on the feeders ....... must be the cold weather ....... even the Sparrows were scrapping!

I took quite a few shots of them ...... but I liked this one best ...... hope you like it too :-)

We have my nephew, his partner & their 18 month old boy coming tomorrow ....... will have to spend some time trying to 'toddler-proof' the house! It's a long time since we have had a youngster visiting. We are all going round to see Mum a little later in the afternoon ..... we thought it better if we went as well to try to keep things calm ..... do hope she can cope with it okay. I'm sure she will be exhausted afterwards.

Hope you are all having a Tigger-tastic weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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