Mono Monday: Illuminate

Wet and windy today dark by 3.30, a real November day. Roll on next Monday I'll be on my way, hopefully to some warmth and sun. Went to the dentist got it in my head the appointment was 10.40, when I checked it was 11.40!!! I decided to give the downstairs a good dust and it was filthy.
After the dentist I went to Boundary Mill looking for a jacket for my holiday. I couldn't believe my eyes when I got there 6 coaches and the car park was almost full. It was rather busy, people had loads in trolleys, I didn't get a jacket but spent nearly 2 hours looking!!!!
Then a quick nip to take back a jumper that had shrunk to Marks at Reebok then home. I was glad to get out of the awful weather but can hear the wind howling. I'm sure all the leaves will be down by tomorrow, I haven't time to clear any in my garden and I can't walk on the grass it's too wet.
I've turned on the lights and angel in the conservatory for my blip today it does look nice and cheerful.

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