My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Lemonade with fresh mint

Mum and Dad had Baby L at their house this morning whilst I went shopping for a pair of trousers for work. I am going in for a "keeping in touch" morning next week and need a pair of trousers that does up! (I currently just have one pair of trousers that fit me and they are jeans... and they have been swapped for pyjamas a couple of times this week when Baby L vommed on them!!) I now have a pair of work trousers and another pair of jeans. Phew!

Baby L is suffering from MAJOR separation anxiety and was a little minx for my parents... not going off to sleep for her nap very easily and refusing to eat her lunch. She was shouting for me a lot of the time. When I got back she told me off briefly and then woofed up her lunch. No idea how to sort this out as I don't want her to go hungry when I go back to work.

My photo is of a lovely jar of lemonade I had at Joe's Kitchen in Bromley... while I was out Mum texted to say all was well and I should go for a cuppa and relax. I had a quick lunch.

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