Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Red Leggo man invades Cape Town

There is something about getting up at 3.30 am which disagrees with me. I am sure there was a good reason why we booked a 6 am flight from Kigali to Jo'burg but it sure felt like a bad idea getting up at that time. After a long day we arrived in Cape Town and went straight out to have a wander around the waterfront where we are staying. I don't know what this red structure is but may report back if we get closer to it today. Table Top Mountain, which is in the background, is a dominant and striking feature of this city.

Thanks for hanging in there with my journal when I am not getting around to yours. I do miss your journals. The internet connection here is appalling and I feel in Madagascar I am going to get no internet connection at all. I will have a very big catch up when I finally get home. Tonight we fly back to Jo'burg and then on to Madagascar tomorrow.

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