Remote Control Blip

I spent the morning making a vat of soup (roasted butternut squash and red pepper), a pot of Chicken Korma and a bucket of beer! Then I went out for a walk with Finlay - nothing exciting to blip.

Home in time for some soup (yummy) and to wait for a delivery. Whilst waiting I set up my SLR camera in the garden on a tripod. It was about a metre from the feeder. Connected to our home wifi along with my iPad I used the Canon remote control app to take some photos.

Only one visitor to the feeder whilst I was watching from the comfort of my armchair - this blue tit - but I got a few shots, this is the best! The sun didn't last for long - I will have to try again (will need a good supply of batteries, a combination if wi-fi and live view really drains them quite quickly).

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