secret garden

By freespiral

Kitchen Cove; 16.25; 26.11.16

Another beautiful day - we could get used to this, this must be about 8 cold crisp, sunny days in a row! We went into Schull for a bit of shopping. Absolute no sign of Christmas shopping frenzy, in fact there was more going on in the harbour where a shoal of something was being pursued by three large seals and a gang of noisy gulls. I intended to buy Christmas cards but got sidetracked by some hilarious cards that a Polish woman is producing. She was intrigued by local Cork sayings and spotted a niche in the market and is making simple cards with some pertinent phrases on them (I got all this from the woman in the shop in case you're wondering).
Here are some of my favourites:
Ah sure, you'll be grand
Not a bother
Sure look it
Fair play to you

Good man yourself
and my favourite - Ah, Jaysus lads!
Here's how you could use that useful phrase, spoken when someone is messing:
Ah, jaysus lads would you cop on!
Ah, jaysus lads would you stop acting the maggot!
Give it a go! 

Other than that the hot water cylinder has a leak. A man has been to inspect it. A new cylinder is needed so no hot water until that's done :(

Kitchen Cove with a nice pink blush this afternoon, the sun just setting at 16.15.

And Son#1 has taken up running, looking very rugged in a 10km fell race in Kendall last weekend.

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