Picking out our Christmas tree

We went Christmas tree shopping today at our usual local Christmas tree spot, Teaberry Farm in Scituate. The drought last summer was hard on the trees, but we found one we liked. They'll cut it and deliver it in a couple weeks. We don't shop on the big Black Friday, but like to shop locally on Small Business Saturday. So, we visited our local bird food shop and bought seeds, a couple of new feeders and a heated birdbath. Then we went to a small shop specializing in Scandinavian goods before taking a big breath and hitting the not small IKEA to check out their Christmas decorations. It was packed with shoppers as always. When we came home we put the electric candles in our windows and feels a bit festive already. 

Tomorrow we're driving to L.L. Bean in Freeport, Maine with one of T's sisters. It will be nice to be in Maine and that is a fabulous store as many of you know. We have a good friend in Freeport we hope to see as well.

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and damp with clearing skies and warmer temps

All hands healthy

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