
A grey, foggy and damp day.

Scots would call it dreich (or sh*te).

I managed to avoid the normal Saturday shoppingfest on the grounds it would make me grumpy as hell (the truth) and Dr D had to accept the reality.

I went cycling instead. It wasn't enjoyable either given the weather, but the fresh air and exercise always works wonders.

I got as far as Oberhaunstadt - home of one of Ingolstadt's two larger breweries (Nordbräu). It got Blipped. I'd always buy Herrnbräu given a choice between the "big 2" but there's not much in it.

My favourite local beer is Brauhaus 1516, but being from a much smaller brewery it isn't so readily available.

The city has a long brewing pedigree, being where the famous Reinheitsgebot (beer purity law) was passed - in 1516, oddly enough.

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