Finally got home at 2.30am, we'd booked flights from Liverpool because the times were much better but obviously that meant an hour and a halfs drive once we'd landed and found the car in the dark car park full of silver cars. Gav had promised Rob a McDonalds so at 1am we were driving around Stoke looking for a 24hour fast food outlet!!

A huge thank you to all of you who looked/commented on my holiday blips even though I had very little time to comment back, I'm very grateful and touched that all but one hit the Spotlight page.

So, back to reality. What to blip today - a huge mountain of dirty washing/empty food cupboards/a pile of post, newspapers, etc waiting to be sorted???? I took a quick walk over to the Nature Reserve but the ground is waterlogged again. I did see a duck and 6 ducklings and lots of ladybirds but couldn't get close enough to get a good photo. These grasses line the path along the edge of the reserve so no need to get muddy feet!!!

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