Questionable Existence...

It is odd when someone says a sentence that makes you look at the way you think of something.

This happened to me the other day.

"What if it always existed?"

Now I have over the years built up an understanding, through various media, the whole universe expansion, big bang, big crunch theories. They kind of make sense in my head but there has always been a nagging where might it all have started or begun.

When the sentence above was uttered to me, my knee jerk reaction was just to as good as discount this as piffle or whatever but then upon mulling it over, over a few days in brain down time (walking stairs, washing dishes, that sort of thing) I started to realize that I maybe am falling into a trap that I often thinkingly accuse others of falling into.

Judging it on human terms.

I reckon humans by default see things in their own terms so everything must have a beginning and an end and I think I had not as such come to a conclusion but settled in a place where it required a beginning and an end.

This is good and bad in a way.

Good as it gives me more food for thought to get me through time that can be spent no other way than to trudging through tasks.

Bad as it sort of leads back to where it becomes more apparent that we as a species have a kind of in-built limiter of sorts that prevents us from truely understanding where we originally come from and adding to a bit of a fallible existence to life as I know it.


This thinking kind of reminded me of a passage from Hagakure that concludes with :

It is inconsistant to hear something of the Way of Confucius or the Way of the Buddha, and say that this is the Way of the Samurai. If one understands things in this manner, he should be able to hear about all Ways and be more and more in accord with his own.

Flicking through the book whilst trying to locate this, I came across a few of the other passages I'd bookmarked which when applied could add sense to the thought process. I may delve back into it.

I'm off to do the dishes.

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