
Decorations are done, just a couple of little bits to finish off.
The crib has been in place since last Sunday, which was the first of Advent. The figures are lovely and the tallest is about 8 inches. Candle in place until Jesus decides to put in an appearance.
All of that work Marlane has been doing since last January has paid off, the house looks lovely, and very tasteful. I did mention that it is lacking paper chains! I think I'm close to death, or divorce, so I won't mention them again :-)

By the way, I've just checked my 'Health App' to see how far I'd walked on Friday when I was in London.
Thursday it was 6.8km and on Friday 11.1km with a heavy rucksack all day. I quite amazed myself. Must admit my legs were a bit leaden by the time I'd climbed those 275 steps up to the Whispering Gallery in St Pauls!

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