
By Lemony1Lemon

Day 275- Agnes waters -1770

Another absolutely awesome day! Got a message from my traveling bestie this morning saying she is staying in the same hostel. The hostel we are staying at the little shacks are named after countries. My message 'i am going to Germany' she swings the door open and I scream haha, by fate a have been put together and it is just us two! I then went off for my first experience of surfing. Absolutely brilliant! Can totally understand how people fall in love with it. I only managed to get in my knees but such good fun! Me and Hannah then rushed back in time to go to a man's house which he takes in kangaroos, if there mum has been hurt, run over or shot. We got out of the van and straight away we were welcomed by these beautiful animals, all wanting attention. It was so surreal to think, these are still wild animals, there are no gates or fences at all but here i am feeding this lovely creature a sweet potatoe. He had 4 joeys that were taken from there mother's to young in home made pouches, so lovely! Along with this amazing project this man has set up by himself (costing almost $2000 a year per kangaroo with no goverment funding as they are techinally seen as pests) he also had raised a few birds, one being a cheeky little thing called Charlie. Charlie has broken cars by pretending he can fix the electrics haha. After being pulled away me and Hannah snuck off to the Lily pad pond and stole a kayak and went for a little sunset paddle. Absolutely hilarious. Finished the evening watching a crap movie marathon haha

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