A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Escaping angel!

Our family Pick and Mix service this morning saw both our toy service (toys donated to the Salvation Army) and a spontaneous Nativity.

The story of 'A well good Christmas' was told by two narrators (I was one) and included actions for all the congregation, members of whom were encouraged to participate in the traditional roles. Children took most of the parts but adults were co opted to fill those missing.

This was the photo call. One of our church wardens is a king who you can see acting his part and the other (Chris) was the missing shepherd. He opted out of the photo probably because he didn't dress up - bah humbug!
I loved this litttle escaping angel but perhaps the funniest moment was the vicar throwing the baby Jesus to Mary and Joseph at the appropriate point in the narrative.

First Carol Service tonight. Lovely third Sunday in Advent.

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