A Grand Walk

Cakes? Apostrophes? The beach?

I hummed and hawed about what kind of celebratory blip I could take for the big 1000, but I was very taken with the light up on Blackford Hill this afternoon and decided just to post a photo of the fair city and home of Blipfoto.

My self-discipline and reliable daily postings came to a halt in November when work took over my life and I had nothing to photograph apart from a paper-strewn desk and my tea. While I don't like all these gaps in the monthly calendars, making it look like a bit like a dentist's nightmare, it is nice to be a bit more relaxed about taking blips.

Anyway, that doesn't mean I don't look; I'm on the site just as much, so the obsession is still quietly there. Thanks to Joe and the gang for creating this addiction and thanks to all those who pop in and have a word with me.

Onwards, onwards.

Big 1-0-0-0

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