Bringing Home the Bacon

It may be only an M&S turkey, but it took a well prepared trek in the dark, wearing weather resistant clothing to offset the cold and horizontal sleet stinging our faces, to catch and bring home the bird for its roasting fate on Christmas Day.
We had been required to present ourselves between 7:30 and 8:00am to bag it, literally, making us feel just a smidgin more like native hunter gatherers battling the elements to hunt the quarry instead of soft city bred supermarket devotees.

We are awaiting the arrival from Budapest of D77 and Luca later this afternoon who are being blown in to help me eat the bird on Sunday while His Lordship tucks into his nut roast.

The weather has gone downhill dramatically in time to welcome them after months of my boasting what wonderful temperatures we have been having here. As the boy said cynically, ' I would have expected nothing less'. Ah well, at least he is prepared.

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