Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Spider chowing on a Sabina

I have featured the green Sabina dragon a few times this month, chowing on another dragon, chowing on a butterfly, yet another chowing showing its jaws and another freshly emerged. Yes, they are prolific hunters and the most skillful of flyers. But, occasionally they do get it wrong and even this huge, aggressive eating machine has no chance against any reasonable sized arachnid and its ensnaring web.

Within a second of brushing against the web, the colorful arachnid had its poisonous fangs buried in the dragons neck and it was all over, even I could not help this dragon.

Different spiders have different techniques for dealing with large prey. Some leave the insect to tire, some nip in for a quick bite and then stand back, others move in and wrap the meal extensively before the bite. This one sank its fangs in and held on tight. Not a huge spider, but clearly the dragon was out matched.

Another weak safari and I am really struggling to bring you something impressive and different, I got lucky with this spider blip, apart from this, I had nothing. After a strong July and a super start to August, things are just not happening. So, I am going on a venue hunt this afternoon, to see if I can find more material.


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