The Contract

....signed by Mum & Dad, Nana & Grandad and of course Ella and Harry.
In case you are having trouble reading the contract I have copied it as it was written ....

Christmas Morning
We shall be up awake and in the lounge from quater past to 7 to 7 o'clock to open presents under the tree you may get dressed but you have to be ready in the time frame.
Date 24/12/16
Signed by:  and all our signatures.

I thought this was worth recording, talking contracts at this age, gracious.

A bit of everything today - yes (bugger it) I was back at the supermarket before 8.30am, I've never seen it so busy, whipped around quickly another $150 thank you very much!!
Cut the edges and dead headed some roses.
This afternoon the family went and visited friends, I made the glaze for the ham and the lime & ginger marinade for the butterflied lamb.
Then sat down and cleaned all the silver including the cutlery set. Sparkling.
We all enjoyed a happy Christmas Eve roast dinner followed by ice cream.
The kids have left out two mince tarts, a slice of Gourmet Rocky Road along with a glass of milk for Father Christmas, water and carrots for the reindeer's.  The have just gone off to bed and Janelle is making Chocolate Cherry Tirasumu - we have it every Christmas, divine.

Well, that just leaves me to say to you all - Merry Christmas, have fun, keep warm if you happen to be a Northern Hemisphere-ite and stay safe over the holiday time.

I'm quoting words sent to by email, which I liked

"May the season's simple joys warm your heart... fill your home...and last a life time."

Take care

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