Old and young

Merry Christmas to you all.

It has been a beautiful day here. About 20 degrees celsius and no wind. We sat outside under the patio roof and ate and drank - beers, wines, water for some who came with a heavy head. Bbq lunch and salads, fresh berries, trifles, icecream and many other yummy things.

Secret Santa came and we all got a parcel and Samuel here got several of course being the only child present. All the other great nieces and nephews are overseas or flown the coop. We spoke to them on skype. One in Melbourne, another in Prague.

After lunch (about 3pm)  someone picked up the guitar and we sang from Freddy Fender to Howard Morrison to Rolling Stone to Abba. A wide range of styles as the guitar went from one to another.

Wonderful day with family and Samuel such a good kid. We played quoits and lawn golf and danced.

To say we are weary wouldn't be far wrong.

We hope you all had and will have a great day and make Christmas 2016 memorable for all the right reasons.

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