Forgotten Gate

I suspect that this gate has not been opened in many years, the key hanging on some long forgotten ring, all memory of the lock to which it belongs quite lost. Is this still a gate when it can never be opened, indeed, when there is no longer any cause to open it?

That's got me wondering. Are there gates in our psyche, openings to possibility, that have been shut so long that we have lost not just the key but all knowledge of the existence of the gate. Could it be that this not only applies to our individual psyche but our collective human psyche too? I suddenly feel a need to look for lost keys! Any ideas as to where one might start the search?

Not sure where that came from. It's wonderful how can you can take a random image and in thinking about a journal entry the mind starts wandering in strange directions! I'm having to stay late at the office because there is a problem with our internet service provider and I've got to keep our clients posted on developments. The servers are still inaccessible. More phone calls to make. Groan. Those chains are very appropriate tonight.

PS This forgotten gate no longer gives access to this forgotten corner.

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