
By YellowBalloon

Big Water

Today my son went back to London after being home for eight days.  it was great to have him here.  We dropped him off at Newcastle Airport early afternoon for his flight back.  It was a lovely cold crisp frosty day so we went to Big Water Nature Reserve which is close to the airport.  We heard these geese before we saw them.

In my last post I explained that I wouldn't be able to blip for a few days as I had been very poorly with labrinthitis.  I'm pleased to say that the treatment seems to have worked and I am feeling better.  Christmas Day turned out to be a lovely day spent with my husband, son, sister and brother-in-law.  Lots to eat, lots of presents and lots of laughs,  We had three different quizzes to find our Family Champion Of The Year.  My sister won and the trophy was given to her to keep for the year.  My brother-in-law was caught cheating in an episode that will now always be known as The Christmas Day Incident.  

Today I have stopped taking my medication as I am feeling so much better and also it causes insomnia and I have hardly been sleeping.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that it does not reoccur.  Although I had heard of labrinthitis I didn't really know what it was.  It shocked me just how suddenly it came on and just how horrible it was.  I have never felt so dizzy in my life.  At least if it does reoccur I still have some of the tablets to take.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.  I have occasionally had a little look on blip to see how everyone spent their Christmas and have enjoyed looking at your photos.

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