
This always is a funny week...the one between Christmas and New Year. Things sort of go back to normal, but not really. Classes resume but it seems like a lot more than a week has gone by since we last met.
People who are usually at work or school aren't. Will and OilMan have been spending time working on their golf games.

Apparently the electrical problem at Flying Goat was fixed because it was full of people and I was able to get an Aztek Mocha. My friend Nancy and I were able to compare our respective family festivities before rushing off to rescue our cars from getting tickets from the ever vigilant meter readers.

My computer is in the hospital at Dana and Jim's house uploading pictures to the cloud (which it can do much more quickly on their broadband than ours). It has taken two days to do most, but not yet all of my pictures. Once the operation is complete and Jim and Peter return from Indiana where they are visiting Jim's mother, we should be able to liberate the computer from the back up hard drive.

Our neighbors' daughter dropped by to introduce us to her boyfriend, so we spent a pleasant hour catching up with them before they carry on with their road trip back to the University of Colorado via Portland and Seattle.

Our friends Kelly and Maureen, from whom we rented the little farmhouse in Sebastopol are due any minute, so my picture today is an emergency blip of Ozzie with his favorite toy waiting to greet them.

It's been a busy day...

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