
By BikerJim

~Sonora Desert Melody~

~Magical Moment~

I'm out this evening for a nice little stroll near the old homestead. I'm taken some photographs as I hike around the area, as is my nature. The shadows are getting long which is usually my cue to turn around and head for home. Then I hear music, not rock n' roll, or country western, not even bluegrass music. It sounds like classical music, too faint to identify it, but definitely a violin orchestra playing something. As I continue my way home the music is getting more audible, I begin to think that I can almost identify it. Ahhhhh, Vivaldi's Summer from the Four Seasons Concertos. Someone, somewhere, is playing this piece, loud enough for me to hear it where I am. Not another dwelling around for maybe a mile or more. Thank you, whoever you are! As I wander back home, still enjoying the concert, I see the last light of day striking this Saguaro and its hillside home. How fitting, the light, the desert view, and yes, Vivaldi!

Amazing how things happen, see you tomorrow!
The lucky TucsonJim ;o)

Listen To Vivaldi

While Looking At Bigger Saguaro Hillside

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